Cibelle Cavalli Bastos
Las Venus Resort Palace Hotel’s Cabaret Lounge Splice Download (2019)
Sonja Khalecallon’s Theirstories of the Retro-Future GoGo Show (2019)

Cibelle Cavalli Bastos, Sonja Khalecallon’s Theirstories of the Retro-Future GoGo Show, 2019, performance, Congress Graz, photo: Mathias Völzke

Cibelle Cavalli Bastos, Sonja Khalecallon’s Theirstories of the Retro-Future GoGo Show, 2019, performance, Congress Graz, photo: Mathias Völzke

Cibelle Cavalli Bastos, Sonja Khalecallon’s Theirstories of the Retro-Future GoGo Show, 2019, performance, Congress Graz, photo: Mathias Völzke

Cibelle Cavalli Bastos, poster from the series Sonja Khalecallon in Las Venus Resort Palace Hotel (2010), photo: Socrates Mitsios
Cibelle Cavalli Bastos’s temporary installation is a multidimensional sci-fi environment on an apocalyptic theme. It envisions a distant future in which Earth has become uninhabitable after colliding with another planet. While the rich have gone off to colonize other worlds, only the poor are left behind. The artist’s alter ego, Sonja Khalecallon, installs herself in the ruins of an old hotel, doing anything she can to keep herself afloat with limited resources. Inhabiting a retro-futurist interior that intentionally challenges notions of class and taste and that is made up of all things nonbiodegradable, the hostess performs femininity to the point of short circuit. She embodies the supposedly feminine trait of multitasking and offering her services as an entertainer, cook, cleaner, aestheticist, manager, healer, and tarot reader, among other things. Viewers become guests in her mystical empire, drawn into a playful confrontation with not-so-fictional issues such as gentrification, the ecological crisis, and the consequences of femmephobia.
19.9.19, 19:00–21:00
Opening Extravaganza
Duration: ongoing
Continues after Special Performances
Congress Graz
Albrechtgasse 1
8010 Graz
♿ Venue accessible for wheelchairs
Free admission with Festival Pass
No single tickets, exit and reentry anytime
In English
Commissioned and produced by steirischer herbst ’19
Cibelle Cavalli Bastos (1978, São Paulo) is an interdisciplinary artist, independent researcher, and musician who works with several avatars and across media, including performance, installation, sculpture, sound art, text, and video. The artist deconstructs binary thinking and challenges concepts of identity. Cavalli Bastos lives between Berlin, London, and São Paulo.