Hanna Rohn

The Pleasure Is All Ours (2019)

Hanna Rohn’s interactive performance in the herbstkantine sets out to probe the social relations behind the production of desire for culinary, sexual, or cultural pleasure, as marketed by the respective industries. Following her thorough examination of a wide range of scientific and popular techniques for making people fall in love, Rohn tests them on audience members, causing them to be enamored not only of human beings but of objects, landscapes, or even abstract concepts. She enchants the audience with smiles, body language, and other tricks, playfully reenacting familiar, affective mechanisms from everyday life. In this way, her intimate performance draws attention to the self-marketing imperatives of our time and how they create a gray zone of artificial affect between quasi-artistic performance and service.

26.9.19, 27.9.19, 28.9.19, 22:00

Duration: ca. 35 min.

Kaiser-Josef-Platz 4
8010 Graz
♿ Venue partly accessible for wheelchairs

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In English

Free admission

Commissioned and produced by steirischer herbst ’19

Hanna Rohn (1987, Linz) is a performance artist and sex educator. Rohn’s works play with the neoliberal imperatives of happiness and niceness. She creates uneasy and unexpected emotional situations by twisting and playing with everyday habits. Rohn lives and works in Graz.